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Preventive Care & Wellness

  • Internal Parasites in Dogs

    En general, hay dos tipos de parásitos internos que afectan al perro. En primer lugar están los nematodos o gusanos redondos, de los cuales Toxocara canis (el gusano redondo intestinal más común) y Diarofilaria immitis (el gusano cardiaco) son los principales ejemplos. En segundo lugar tenemos los cestodos o gusanos planos, de los cuales Dipylidium caninum y las especies Taenia y Echinococcus son ejemplos importantes.

  • The peach-faced lovebird is the largest and most commonly kept of the nine species of lovebirds. Lovebirds are incredibly inquisitive, playful, and possess a delightful, spirited sassiness. Although not generally very destructive, they do enjoy chewing. Young, single love birds bond closely with their owners and can be a wonderful, affectionate, and interactive family pet. A pair of lovebirds often bonds more strongly to each other even if they are the same sex. Young birds may be easier to tame and train than older, wild-caught, or colony- or parent-raised birds. After bringing your new bird home, you should have it examined by a veterinarian familiar with birds to help ensure that it is healthy. Like all other pet birds, lovebirds require annual, routine veterinary health check-ups.

  • This cheerful dog has become a hit with folks who want a merry companion to accompany them on short and long jaunts. With their unique appearance and chipper personality, they always draw attention.

  • Hip Dislocation and Postoperative Care in Cats

    La cadera es una articulación sencilla compuesta por una bola y un cuenco, que puede realizar una gran cantidad de movimientos en todas las direcciones y su función es permitir un adecuado movimiento de las extremidades posteriores.

  • Macaws are the largest members of the parrot family. They are high maintenance birds that require a great deal of space to house. They also require a lot of daily affection and attention. Their vocalizations tend to be loud, harsh, penetrating squawks. Their impressively large beak can be exceedingly destructive. Some commonly kept macaws include the blue and gold macaw, scarlet macaw, severe macaw, green-winged macaw, and the hyacinth macaw. Despite the exotic appeal of macaws, they are unsuitable for many households and family situations due to their loud screeching, destructive behavior, and great need for daily attention and time out of their cages. Macaws may be purchased from pet stores or reputable breeders or adopted from rescue organizations. After bringing your new bird home, you should have it examined by a veterinarian familiar with birds to help ensure that it is healthy. Like all other pet birds, macaws require annual, routine veterinary health check-ups.

  • Once a pet has lost some weight, the new goal is to make sure that excess weight stays off. Pet parents who partner with their veterinary health care team for support and who focus on changing their behaviors often have the most success. Examples of some changes include using a different food or a different feeding method, focusing more on portion control, and incorporating some movement or activity time into each day. This article addresses several commonly asked questions about how to help a pet during the maintenance phase (after the weight has been lost).

  • Glamorous and sweet, gentle and spirited, the Maltese has a long history as a treasured lap dog, sleeve dog, and close personal companion, especially to ladies at court. It is not hard to see why - the Maltese has the look of a tiny white angel and the manners to match.

  • Feral cats are fiercely independent and survive (but may not thrive) without the help of humans. They avoid people and hide, back away, or flee when they spot humans. Lack of immunization, parasite control, adequate nutrition, and hygiene put feral cats at risk of many life-threatening problems. TNR (Trap, Neuter, and Release) programs are the hallmark of controlling feral cat populations.

  • Sleek and handsome in black-and-tan with his whip-like tail and his prick ears, the Manchester Terrier is one of the original terriers, and carries himself with all the majesty and confidence befitting an aristocrat. Even so, the Manchester is not above a good hard chase after a critter, and most will curl warmly into the laps of their favorite people so you can admire them up close, of course.

  • Mastiffs are mellow and many are happy just watching family ballgames from the sidelines, cheering their kids on with a wag or a woof. Some, however, might happily join in to steal the ball or play a short game.