Mountain View Animal Hospital offers a wide range of veterinary services for pets in the following areas:
Additional Services
Anesthesia and Patient Monitoring
Health Certificates
Integrative Options
Medical Services
Nutritional Counseling
Preventive Services
Surgical Services
Veterinary Dentistry
Wellness and Vaccination Programs
If you’re ready to see our expert veterinary team in Essex Junction, call us today at (802) 879 6311 or make an appointment now.

At Mountain View Animal Hospital we do thorough physical exams to help evaluate your pet’s health. During the exam, our vets will assess the body condition and overall health of your animal, as well as take the time to educate you on any conditions or abnormalities noted during the exam. They will consult with you on any questions or concerns you may have about your pet’s health and/or behavior.
We strongly recommend yearly physical exams for most pets and bi-annual for older pets, so that our patients can receive the best care. This is for the benefit of your animals, so we can monitor for any changes as they age and practice good preventative medicine. For more information on exams please go to our Health Section.
Examinations are available by appointments only. Our office is open Monday through Friday 7:30 am to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Please call with any questions or to set up an appointment.
During the first few weeks of your pet’s life, he/she receives immunity from their mother’s milk. As they get older, the immunity wears off and your animal does need to receive a series of vaccines as a preventative measure to help bolster the young animal’s immunity. The series of vaccines are given every 3-4 weeks and usually consist of 2-3 shots depending on their age. For more in-depth information on vaccinations please see our Health Section.
Mountain View Animal Hospital sends monthly reminder cards to clients to inform them of exams, vaccines, tests, or treatments that their pet(s) will be due for in the upcoming month. We also call clients the business day prior to exams and surgeries to remind them of their pet’s appointment. Following surgeries and medical cases, we call to check up on the animal’s condition and progress.
Heartworm Disease
Heartworm Disease is becoming more prevalent in this region especially with animals moving to the area from high incidence areas. Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and can be fatal when left untreated. Diagnosing Heartworm Disease has become fairly easy, requiring only a quick blood draw (all we need is a few drops) and about 10 minutes for the test to run. Before placing your dog on a preventative, it is important that your animal tests negative to the disease. If Heartworm disease is diagnosed it is important to realize it CAN be treated and has a better prognosis if diagnosed in the early stages.
At Mountain View Animal Hospital we perform a variety of surgeries. We offer spays, (ovariohysterectomy) in which we surgically remove the ovaries and uterus of a female animal. We also provide neuter surgeries (castration) in which we surgically removed the animal’s testicles.
We offer soft tissue surgeries such as tumor removal, laceration repair, biopsy, mass removal, abdominal exploratory surgery and many other surgical procedures involving body systems other than the skeletal system. We also offer orthopedic surgeries such as ruptured ligament repair, management of broken bone and amputations.
With all surgeries, the procedure includes preoperative procedures such as bloodwork, IV catheter placement and fluids, anesthesia, ECG and pulse oximeter monitoring, the surgery, pain management as well as post-operative care. We also provide several optional pre-operative procedures that you can elect to have done for your animal. These procedures include an ECG that is sent through the phone line to a board certified cardiologist, a microchip, and radiographs.
We perform surgeries on Monday through Friday. For more information on spay and neuter surgeries please see our Health Section.
Here at Mountain View Animal Hospital, we are offering basic breeding procedures. We can collect semen and artificially inseminate your pet. We send off blood samples to the lab to check progesterone levels to make sure we are breeding your animal on the optimal days. We have two options available to us to diagnose pregnancy at 35 days following the last breeding: a blood test and an ultrasound. Usually a week before your animal’s due date, we recommend an x-ray to get an approximate count of puppies or kittens, giving you an estimate of how many to expect so you know when your animal is approaching the end of her delivery.
Dental Treatments
Mountain View Animal Hospital provides dental treatments for your animal. Under routine anesthesia we will remove calculus from the teeth and under the gums using an ultrasonic dental scaling unit like the one at your dentist office. We also perform digital dental radiographs on most cases and if necessary and indicated on radiographs, we will extract teeth during the procedure. After completing the dental we polish the teeth with a special fluoride polish treatment. Routine brushing with animal-safe toothpaste will help keep your animals teeth in good condition. We carry a wide variety of animal-safe toothpaste at our clinic.
All dental procedures include the anesthesia, bloodwork, IV catheters and fluids, ECG monitoring, scaling and polishing of teeth, pain management as well as post-operative intensive care. We also provide several optional pre-operative procedures that you can elect to have done for your animal.
Diagnostic Services
At Mountain View Animal Hospital, we have an in-house digital radiology unit that provides us with high quality diagnostic images. We are able to take and develop radiographs that can then be interpreted immediately by our veterinarians. If needed, we can also send the digital radiographs to board certified radiologists for immediate consultation. In most situations we are able to perform radiographs on patients without anesthesia, however sometimes sedation is needed.
We have recently acquired and implemented digital dental radiographs to our comprehensive dental care. These allow us to get a more complete picture of your pet’s oral health and find a lot more pathology with the teeth and bones of the mouth which may not otherwise be seen with just a visual inspection.
We have an ultrasound machine to help us with some of our diagnostic procedures. It also helps in visualizing and diagnosing pregnancy, bladder and kidney stones, as well as providing the vet with a functional picture of the internal organs.
Here at Mountain View Animal Hospital, we are able to perform in-house testing for Heartworm Disease, Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis, Giardia, Feline Leukemia, and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus in the clinic. In addition, we have an in-house blood machine where we are able to run blood panels and have the results within minutes. Our veterinarians can interprets these results and get valuable information about the organ function of our patients immediately. We routinely perform urinalyses, urine cultures, cytology’s and examine fecal samples in the clinic as well. In some cases, we send samples to an outside laboratory for testing.
Integrative Medicine
Mountain View Animal Hospital provides both Western Veterinary Medicine (WVM) and Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) as an integrative approach to prevention and treatment for our patients. The results of these therapies works best when used in conjunction together. It is the best of both worlds – WVM gives us advanced techniques and abilities to diagnosis specific disease-causing agents and provide fast acting medications. This helps us effectively treat the problem. This is especially important for fast fatal types of illnesses. Whereas, TCVM assesses the well-being of the whole patient and the treatments are usually minimally invasive with very few risks. It is a form of prevention, treating chronic illnesses and improving the overall quality of life. It is a way of utilizing the strengths of both forms of medicine.
Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine (TCVM) is a form of medicine practiced for thousands of years in Chinese medicine which is being applied to Veterinary Medicine. The theory is based on forces that govern the external world and the body’s internal environment. The life-energy or “Qi” drives the body’s actions and Yin-Yang theory describes how the opposing forces such as hot and cold play a role in the characterization of physiological function and disease. Disease is considered an imbalance of the body and to make a diagnosis, a “pattern” of disharmony is done through history, clinical signs, activity, environment and physical examination. Then the appropriate treatment is recommended to bring the patient back into balance within the body and the environment.
Animal Acupuncture
Acupuncture originated in ancient China to treat patients by manipulating thin, solid needles which have been inserted into acupuncture points in the skin. The general theory of acupuncture is based on the idea that bodily functions are regulated by an energy called qi which flows through the body. To fulfill its functions, qi has to steadily flow from the inside of the body to the “superficial” body tissues of the skin, muscles, tendons, bones, and joints. It is assisted in its flow by “channels” referred to as meridians. The meridians are believed to connect to the bodily organs, of which those considered hollow organs (such as the stomach and intestines) were also considered yang while those considered solid (such as the liver and lungs) were considered yin. Disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease. The goal of acupuncture is to correct imbalances in the flow of qi by stimulation of anatomical locations on or under the skin.
The precise start date of acupuncture’s use in China and how it evolved from early times are uncertain. Sharpened stones known as Bian shi have been found in China, which may date to the Neolithic or possibly even earlier in the Stone Age. The earliest example of metal needles was found in a tomb dated to c. 113 BCE, though their use might not necessarily have been acupuncture. The earliest written record of acupuncture is found in the Huangdi Neijing, translated as The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon, dated approximately 200 BCE.
Current scientific research indicates that traditional forms of acupuncture are more effective than placebos in the relief of certain types of pain and post-operative nausea. The mechanisms underlying pain relief from insertion of needles are unknown, but it has been suggested that it may involve the body’s own pain reduction system, possibly attended by an increased release of endorphins, serotonin, norepinephrine, or gamma-aminobutyric acid.
Serious adverse events are exceedingly rare—on the order of five in one million and are usually associated with poorly trained, unlicensed acupuncturists. There is general agreement that acupuncture is safe when administered by well-trained practitioners using sterile needles.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbs are used in formulas to treat a particular disease found on the patient during an examination. The herbal formulations we provide are mostly a mixture of multiple plants. They can be used alone or combined with other therapies to treat most conditions recognized by conventional medicine. Often they are used in combination with a conventional prescription as an integrative approach.
TCVM herbs are especially helpful in the treatment of chronic diseases and for diseases of the geriatric animal. They are most often used to relieve pain, help improve and restore organ function, as well as strengthen and support the immune system. TCV M herbal prescriptions are specific for the individual patient and are directed at the root cause of an illness to correct it, and are not given to control symptoms alone.
Chinese herbs have a long history of safety and efficacy. The most common side-effects seen in veterinary practice are vomiting and/or diarrhea. These effects typically resolve within 24 hours of stopping the herbal medication.
Chinese herbs can be used as part of an integrative approach with other systems of medicine for a greater therapeutic effect and improved treatment outcomes.
Veterinary Spinal Manipulation / Animal Chiropractic
What is Animal Chiropractic?
Veterinary Chiropractic or Spinal Manipulation as a treatment does not replace traditional veterinary medicine; however, it can provide additional means of diagnosis and treatment options for spinal problems as well as biomechanical related musculoskeletal disorders. Veterinary Chiropractic can often eliminate the source of acute or chronic pain syndromes.
The foundations of chiropractic philosophy are based on the intimate relationship of the spinal column to the nervous system, as well as the role of the spinal column in biomechanics and movement. Chiropractic is concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system and the effects these disorders have on general health. The main chiropractic technique involves manual therapy, including manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues. Further treatment includes exercises, health and lifestyle counseling.
Chiropractors believe that the spine and health are related in a fundamental way, and this relationship is mediated through the nervous system. They emphasize conservative management without the use of medicines or surgery. Instead, Spinal manipulation, “spinal adjustment” or “chiropractic adjustment”, is the most common treatment used in chiropractic care. Spinal manipulation is a passive manual maneuver during which a three-joint complex is taken past the normal range of movement, but not so far as to dislocate or damage the joint. Its defining factor is a dynamic thrust, which is a sudden force and attempts to increase a joint’s range of motion.
Chiropractic care in general is safe when employed skillfully and appropriately. Spinal Manipulation is regarded as relatively safe, but as with all therapeutic interventions, complications can arise, and it has known adverse effects, risks and contraindications. Therefore, it is important that you make sure the individual performing the technique is properly trained in the diagnosis and adjusting technique.
What to expect on your first visit?
The first visit includes acquiring a history on the patient, an examination prior to the adjustment to assess posture analysis, gait analysis, palpation of the vertebrae, extremities and cranium. This allows for a diagnosis and proper course of action to proceed with adjusting vertebral subluxation complexes and future recommendations to achieve optimal health of your pet.
Veterinary Chiropractic Treatment Can Be Used For:
- Chronic musculoskeletal problems
- Acute problems such as tension or stiffness
- Prophylactic treatment to maintain fitness
- Maintain soundness in older animals
- Enhance performance ability of sport animals
- As a complementary treatment for chronic lameness such as bone spavin, navicular syndrome or tendon problems in the horse as well as arthrosis, spondylosis or tendon problems like cruciate ligament in the dog.
Therapeutic Laser
Therapeutic Laser is a non-invasive treatment that can make your pet more comfortable and give them a better quality of life. Mountain View Animal Hospital is excited to provide this advanced technology to our patients.
L.A.S.E.R. (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is therapy using a high energy beam of light. Therapeutic laser is a therapy that has been used for many years in Europe to treat a variety of conditions. Use of this therapy began in the United States in 2003. It has been shown that use of the laser decreases the time it takes to heal, reduces inflammation, and reduces pain. Laser therapy also has the benefit of being a drug-free, non-invasive, and safe means of providing lasting pain relief. There are no adverse effects from using the therapeutic laser, and it has been FDA approved since 2005.
Light within certain wavelengths and frequencies has the ability to cause photochemical reactions within tissue, known as photobiostimulation.
Accelerated Healing – photobiostimulation causes nitric oxide to be displaced from cells, allowing for more oxygen absorption. This action along with an increase in the production of ATP (the source of cellular energy) causes cells to be more effective. The body is then able to heal at an increased rate and reduce the formation of scar tissue.
Reduced Inflammation – Another action of the laser is vasodilation (opening of the vessels), which allows for more oxygen and nutrients to be transported to damaged cells. Lymphatic circulation is also increased. These actions cause a reduction in inflammation.
Pain Relief – The analgesic effect of laser is quite different, and a higher power density is used to inhibit cellular function of nerves rather than stimulate. Basically the light suppresses receptors that send pain signals to the brain. So while the source of the pain is still there, the transportation of that signal to the brain is interrupted. Also, the production of endorphins and enkephalins are increased, which are the body’s natural pain-killers.
Some of the conditions that the therapeutic laser is used for are:
- Wound healing
- Arthritis/musculoskeletal pain
- Sprains/strains
- Nerve regeneration
- Chronic lick granulomas
- Chronic ear infections
- Any condition where healing or pain are a factor.
Treatment Regime
The average treatment schedule involves six, fifteen minute appointments over the course of three weeks. These numbers can vary depending on the severity of the condition being treated. No sedation is required for this procedure; and in fact most patients have demonstrated that it has a calming effect. We encourage owners to be present with their pets during the treatment.
24 Hour Emergency Care
If you have an emergency please call us at 802-879-6311. In the event we are not open, our answering machine will provide you with the emergency contacts for Burlington Emergency Veterinary Services (BEVS). Their number is 802-863-BEVS (2387), and they’re located at 200 Commerce Street in Williston, near Taft Corners. From exit 12 off I89, follow Rte 2A North for ¾ miles. Turn left onto Rte 2A (Williston Road), drive for ½ a mile and turn left onto Commerce Street. BEVS is located ½ a mile on the right.
PEAK Veterinary Referral now offers some Emergency Coverage: